On their website, they had this to say about their branding concept for this client-
"The Michael Austin Winery was started by two long-time friends, whose middle names are "Michael" and "Austin." Rather than pretend Michael Austin actually exists, we invented stories about a character (loosely inspired by the two founders' lives) for each label. "Bad Habit" refers to how the two men met in a catholic high school, "High Flyer" because one of them flies small airplanes, etc."

While I love each label, I think my most favorite is "High Flyer." It probably has something to do with my first "to-do" listed here.
You can read the accompanying stories for each label on Hatch's website, and you should because they are quite entertaining.
these labels and the illustrations on them are great, love the style.
p.s. i love your blog, would be great to exchange links if you're interested.
Tina x
I'm so happy to discover another packaging nut! I'm especially obsessed with personal care packaging...shampoos, lotions, etc. I'll buy anything if it looks great.
These wine bottles make me think you'd appreciate this British company called anatomicals, if you haven't already seen it!
Great designs - pretty unique and clever too!
I realy love this style of lettering - great labels!
I adore Hatch. If I ever went to their studio, I would be in real danger of doing long term damage to my wallet.
Anne- thanks for the link to anatomicals! I hadn't seen their products before, and they are great.
Those labels are super cool!
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