Have I mentioned yet that I am a complete sucker for packaging and product design? Well, I am. So much so, my wine selections are often swayed by a pretty label- and, man, there some amazing wine bottle designs out there!
When I spotted this bottle at The Dieline, I immediately decided I'd love to serve this wine at a Halloween party. It seems perfect, not in a spooky, ghoulish way, but in a magical, Bewitched sort of style. And I would happily serve it along side these.
The entire product line of JAQK Cellars, branded and owned by Joel Templin and Katie Jain of San Fransisco based Hatch, is equally as lovely. Check it out; you might be completely Charmed. I certainly am.
That is how I pick my wine too! I'm so suseptable to packaging! Is the wine good? My choices are usually hit or miss. Check out my blog. I'm hosting a giveaway today.
Andi- I have no idea if the wine is good... I fell for the bottle when I saw it online :) My choices are pretty hit or miss too when I buy based on the bottle!
I could totally see myself getting a case of these just for the design! I am a sucker for packaging too!
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