Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Friday Night...

While I can't believe it is already over, this week has definitely been one of those I'm glad to see end. I am sitting here drinking a cup of coffee and taking a moment to breathe, but I really need to start packing; this weekend, I am heading to Kentucky to see my best friend from college and celebrate her little girl's 1st birthday.

Noe Dewitt

There is nothing quite like catching up with an old friend in person, and I can't wait for my feet to hit that snowy ground. I hope you also have something planned for this weekend that you're looking forward to doing, even if it is simply doing nothing at all.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Black & Gold: Fashion

Before E's first deployment, as we began our transition from years of being "just friends" to being a couple, we only had a brief period together to sustain us through a year of separation. During that time, a lot of things felt exceptionally important. Talking. Sharing old memories. Creating new ones. Being side by side.

Annika Aschberg

And, for me, somehow so did making sure E was aware I was a "silver girl." I figured it couldn't hurt to offer some guidelines should he decide at some point to give me a gift of jewelry. Gold just wasn't my thing! When telling him this, I might have used the word "hate."

For our first Christmas as a couple, one spent on opposite continents, E gave me a silver bracelet. He had taken my words to heart.

James Bennett

Then, while E was still deployed, something happened. At first, I swore it was a one time thing, but slowly I realized it was more than a passing flirtation. I found myself adoring gold.

So, I added a pair of gold earrings to my jewelry collection. Soon after, a set of gold bangles found their way home with me too. In a state of utter bliss, my love affair continued.

I failed to confess my change of heart to E, but it wasn't long after he returned home that he discovered it for himself. One afternoon, I watched surprise and disbelief flash across E's face as he registered the color of metal hanging from my ears, and he exclaimed, "I thought you hated gold?!"

Perhaps hate was too strong a word.

Left and Right: Anthropologie