Thursday, May 27, 2010

Authority Always Wins

It may seem commonplace to find a trunk, a bench, chairs or even a loveseat at the foot of a bed, and although it might seem like a trite formula, I believe it is a smart use of space.

House Beautiful


Elle Decor

If a room can accommodate their placement, the addition of these pieces is a perfect way to add seating or extra storage. They can give you a place to slip on your shoes, to read, or to watch television.

Elle Decor

Southern Living

Coastal Living

I must admit, however, if you are at all like E or me, there can be a dark side to these pieces too-- they can become a staging point for my mortal enemy, clutter.

L: Stylist- Rachel Roberts R: Elle Decor

I am definitely a maximalist, so keeping clutter contained seems to require a constant effort on my part; all too easily an innocent chair becomes a place where a stack of folded laundry decides to rest after getting lost on the way to the dresser, where discarded clothing takes up temporary residence after being unable to decide between returning to the closet or going to the hamper, or where a bag housing a store return will often overstay its welcome.

Anne Coyle Interiors

Elle Decor

Courtney Giles

While I can't actually say authority always wins in my battle with clutter, I will continue to fight to keeping chairs free of such vagabonds items in the name of design. Tell me, do any of your belongings exhibit such a blatant disregard for the rules or do they always do as they should?


  1. I love the trunk! It reminds me of a holiday in New England.

    Excellent examples, all!

  2. So weird...I just recently (3 days ago) put my wicker trunk in front of my bed and I have been so pleased ever since. your blog!!!

  3. I love that bench in the Southern Living photo but that bedroom by Anne Coyle is to DIE for!

    Hope you have a great long weekend Courtney (glad you are back!) and thanks for your sweet comment on my garden :)

    xoxo Mary Jo

  4. Love that Ann Coyle bedroom! Definitely going into my own personal inspiration file, just gorgeous! All lovely, but that one rocks! XO!

  5. Would love to have room at the foot of my bed for something... but i have a feeling that it would turn into an extra closet!

  6. I picked up an old 1970 caned settee this past fall, it goes perfectly in front of the bed. Plans are to repaint & reupholster.
    I mean, I luv a place to sit and put your shoes on or off.

    I too am a maximalist, editing is always a good way to go and to "clean up" is a good thing.


  7. I love all of these, especially the first picture and the striped chairs!

  8. I love all of these photos! I have had the same antique hope chest at the end of my bed, since I was sixteen years old- and that is more years than I care to count! I tried a pair of chairs in it's place just recently...but the hope chest was back the next day. Comfort zone thing, I suppose!

    Great pictures!

  9. i like stacks... stacks of books and magazines. but i'm pretty good at keeping the stacks in their place. coffee table, nightstands. hubby's another story. i can only imagine what i'd be picking up from an end-of-bed bench. hope you had a great holiday weekend. pam

  10. The bedroom is my favorite place, and I just love these so much. Great post.

    :) marcie

  11. Right no I have a, I think, too large sofa bench at the end of my bed. I keep wanting to move it. But it's the most used piece of furniture in the house!

  12. I have the same exact clutter problems as you. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!!

  13. What a pretty post. My fave is the couch at the end of the bed, but I'm afraid I would only pile up more stuff! Darn my cluttering ways!

  14. beautiful blog, sono innamorata!

  15. The trunk in the Lonny picture has me seriously upset that I didn't buy a trunk I saw last week in Belgium. It was quite similiar and engraved with the date 1720 - and it was only 700E - a steal for the age of the piece!!! But at the time I thought, I dont need a trunk and i dont need to spend 700E but oh how I loved the piece. Now with your bed blog I'm regretting my sensibility last week!!!


  16. i love the idea. I don't have the room at the foot of my bed so, I placed an ottoman along the side.

  17. Trunks are really cool. I can't explain why but there is something so interesting and compelling about a great trunk.

  18. Lovely photos! Glad to have found your blog!!

  19. That big metal bed frame is my fave. :)

  20. I wanna have one of those bedroom.
    I don't know how people decorate their bedroom so cozy and perfect.
    How do you do it guys?

  21. I love the trunk! I had one at one point and had to get rid of it when I relocated to Alaska...I have kicked myself ever since!


  22. Myself, I am very organized and neat almost to the point of anal, haha! But my mate, though he's not messy tends to leave clutter behind, whatever it may be and is quite passive about it too. So it is something that both he and I are trying to work at. :)


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